Friday, December 12, 2008

Why You Can't Be Friends

with your Because I muthafuckin said so. I can't stand when muthafuckas do shit they know they wouldn't want your ass to do. Well....this shit isn't recent, but since I'm on a "blog" roll, I figured why not.

I'm a firm believer of this: If it's good for you, then dammit, it's good for me. If you don't want me to pull out my roll-a-dicks, I mean rolodex, then I suggest you handle that shit. Give a nigga an inch, and they always want to take a damn mile or two.

I could give a shit if y'all were fucking friends on your dates of birth, in the same hospital, on the same wing. I don't care. We aren't playing that shit. I'm not. Which, in turn means you're not either. Ha. How you like them damn apples? I know. Get used to them. They're Granny's grandaughter, Wifey Smith. LMAO. No, seriously though...not happening. If you shared something special with ol' girl, like maybe a kid. Yea, okay. Understandable. But last I checked, you have no common denominators.

Let it go.....or me......ha!!


Jia said...

Girl dudes always feel as though they have the right to do things that 'we' shouldn't be able to do.

I had a guy that I dated for a LONG time when I first moved to Atlanta. I thought he was the bomb dot com girl! I have never been a jealous chick...EVER. But this dude brought it out of me something fierce.

He had ex girlfriends that he was still "friends" with and what bothered me about it is that when he was ready to be done with them, it was ME that he moved on with. No, he wasn't still WITH the girl but they were still dealing with each other...fuck it, who am I kidding? He probably was still with that girl.

ANYWHOO, after he and I got together, he felt that it was 'okay' and highly appropriate for him to be friends with the girl that he left for me. He said that she was somewhat 'unstable' and that she just needed a friend.

I was like, nigga please. Don't make me call one of my 'unstable' ex's that would gladly come and chop your ass up just to get back with the kid. I flat out asked him "So is it okay for me to continue communicating with _____" (a guy he absolutely forbid me to continue conversation with). And his answer was "No! For fucking're with me now."

"Thanks," I responded.

Ole clammy bastard. That was my absolute LAST time being stuck on stupid!

Good blog!