Thursday, December 11, 2008

7 Years Ago Today

*I was looking back in my journal and found that I'd posted an entry on Dec. 11, 2001*

Been a while...Although I had a good feeling about this semester, I don't think my grades are actually going to reflect the reason I was feeling so good. I found that I'm still lazy and I haven't yet figured out that if I don't study, I won't excel. Boy, I can be a real idiot sometimes. I gotta do better next semester.

Well, football season is over! It was actually over when ______ lost a bunch of games (consecutively). _____got a contact for his left eye midway through the season, which helped him tremendously. He ended the season leading the team in TDs and receptions. They finally started _______@ the "bowl" game and I have a pretty good feeling about next year. I had a good feeling about this year, BUT it didn't work the way [any of us] planned. *subject change*

"K" found out she was pregnant and got an abortion. What a wimp. I don't talk to her much anymore. Probably like 3x a week (for a minute).

Back to ______....we celebrated our 3 year anniversary back in October and I must say this season wasn't as bad as I expected. We still hung out and remained close. I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Saturday night we went out, after being together the whole day, and had one of our little moments. Well, how come that nigga wants to confess some ill stuff to me. Made my stomach turn. But I wanted to know and I dealt with it. I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Then he had the audacity to get mad at me because I called Ken...okay, whatever. Then he pissed me off again because Sunday night we were in the room and my good boyfriend loves to receive, but he's not good at giving yet. He really pisses me off sometimes. I'm really going to have to pray for strength and patience. I just really don't know about us sometimes. Guess time will tell. I do love him though... I don't know!! I'm just kinda confused right now....NEVER put your trust in a nigga! NEVER!!


Jia said...

I love looking back on things that I wrote about my life experiences.'s a great way to show your growth or...that you just haven't grown up much at all.

Misunderstood said...

OMG! You're so right. I know too many ppl that have NOT grown up in a 10 year span. It's shameful.