Friday, November 28, 2008


Same shit, different dude....

Now, I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed, shit, not even salutatorian. As a matter of fact, I don't even think I was in the top 20% of the class. But I wasn't last either. And I know I'm no dummy......

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this simple shit. Let me see how short I can make this story. If you are one of those women who are always on the prowl for a man, this just may apply to you. If you always meet guys, date them for a short period of time, then things just don't work out, I'd like to challenge you. I want to challenge you to do a little bit of self reflecting. Now I'm not talking to the ladies that are meeting losers. I'm speaking to the ones that meet what appears to be the same kind of guy. The ones that always end up treating you the same way. Some of us don't realize that we determine the way we are treated in relationships. That doesn't mean a dude won't attempt to treat you like shit, because he will. And if you let him get away with it, he'll do it again.

This is the situation. I know this young lady. Young, but too old to be acting the way she does. She wants to meet a nice guy. She can't understand why the guys treat her so bad. She's "nice" and she's also an attractive girl, but for whatever reason, the end result is always the same. It's funny that I know why, but she doesn't.

She's presently trying to leave her child's father alone, and in the process, she's meeting other people. I think that's great. It's lovely. However, if you ever want a guy to have respect for you, you have to demand it. And I don't think it's easy to demand respect with your panties at your ankles while your legs are spread eagle above dude's head.

It's okay if you have established a relationship with the guy that says "I'm not trying to settle down" or "I'm doing my own thing and could give a shit about what you do when you leave here". It's fine. And I've noticed the guys chase you more when you're trying to relay that msg to them. Anyway, what I'm saying is, you canNOT, absolutely canNOT sleep with a guy after the first date, and expect him to take you seriously.

The poor girl let dude run the "We've been knowing each other a long time, this is overdue" line on her. Me knowing of somebody for years is not necessarily an okay to go on and give him the goods after the first official date. Have I ever done it? Yes. Was it with someone I wanted to settle down with? No. That may be the difference. Maybe.

Now I won't keep wasting my breath. As a matter of fact, I told the chick to go on home once she'd escaped his "sexy" presence without screwing. She couldn't. She turned around and went back, and he banged her.....will he continue to call? Yes, why wouldn't he call his new jump off? Will he see her as "wifey" material? Probably not. I hope I'm wrong though.


Jia said...


I love this subject. It's one of my favorites.

You see...I guess I'm in the 'I-dont-give-a-damn-b/c-I-ain't-trying-to-be-your-main-dame" phase. I have slept with guys in the past on the first date...BUT it's been b/c I don't necessarily care one way or the other about being their boo. And just being curious....

If your friend is truly trying to be their 'it,' she might wanna hold off on the draws dropping b/c you're right..most men won't take you seriously if you don't present yourself as such.

Great post.

PS: LMAOOOO @ I didn't finish in the top 20% but I didn't finish last either LMAOOOO

Misunderstood said...

I was the same way. Rest assured if I screwed a dude "early", whatever that means, I was only screwing him...and didn't give a shit about being serious.

Yea, she definitely wants to be taken seriously. I tried to tell her...