Thursday, November 20, 2008

WTF Is You Calling Me For?!?

For real, seriously? You called me fo' times, yes fo', not four, not 4, but fo' times, for what? I was obviously too busy to get to the phone. Hold your horses. One damn second.......

When I'm at work, dammit I'm working. Shit. Then you text me to ask which department I'm in, and you want the number. At this point I text your ass back because I figure, hey, maybe you're filling out an application or some shit.

NO! I get back to MY desk only to have my coworker tell me you called.....WTF?! So now, yea, I'm going to call you back. Because surely this is an emergency. Boy was I wrong.
*her phone ringing*
Her: What the hell you doing!!??
Me: WORKING NIGGA, what's up?
Her: *giggling and shit* Oh, what you doing Saturday?
Me: Working,why? What's up?
Her: Oh, girl, I need somebody to keep ****** for me while I go to the game. I heard it was going to be cold and I don't want to have him out.
Me: better bundle him up!

Surely you didn't blow up my damn phone, AND call my office, to ask me to keep your kid while you do some recreational shit. Hell naw!! Shit naw!! I'm not going to blow up somebody's damn phone b/c I need a babysitter. Give me a freakin break! Ppl, take care of your kids. If you want to do some extra shit, and your child can't go, then dammit sometimes your ass can't go either! Hell, if you were going to work some damn where, that would be different. But hell naw. Shit, me and my hubby have to steal fuckin recreational time! Your ass is not about to get it all willy damn nilly! Believe that!


Jia said...

LMAO! this person blew up your phone...and your WORK ask you if you could keep her crumb snatcher?

Absolutely hell to the NOT! Please...

LMAO @ you telling her to bundle his ass up LMAOO OMG

Misunderstood said...

I was too mad at her for that shit. I haven't even bothered to ask who she found to keep him that