Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wedlock Bullshit

There's a rumor going around the world that being married is the end all, be all answer to everything. As a married woman, I have to disagree.

I watch ppl's youtube shit sometimes, and rather than comment, I just keep it moving. It's amazing to me how ppl think that everyone should live their lives the same way they did.

I find it absolutely mind blowing that some ppl think that because you're married, you're excluded from potential bullshit.
WTF?? So the latest thing I've been hearing has been all this talk about "wedlock" shit. According to some, women who have children out of wedlock don't deserve any help because they weren't married when they gave birth.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a good look to pop out child after child without being in a stable relationship (i.e. married), but.......I also don't think that just because you don't have a baby out of wedlock means that the father of the child will be responsible, or that the child will have a more stable life.

I think all that "married before children" bullshit is just that. Bullshit. Maybe back in the day, before divorce rates were so high, being married meant something. Divorce rates are too damn high for anyone to think that marriage=stability. It absolutely does NOT.

In a perfect world, no one would have sex before marriage, and ppl would take their vows seriously. But this world ain't perfect. A man that is married to the mother of his child is not necessarily going to be a better father than the one who is not. I don't see it. It's not reality. People need to start being damn responsible for shit they do. If you make fuckin babies, then be damn responsible for their little asses.

I mean is it really better to be married before you have a baby , only to get a divorce, or is it better to not even bother marrying someone just because you are going to have their child? Seriously.....


Jia said...

Ha! This is so true! There is one particular vlogger who talks about his marriage all the time, yet he is constantly doing/saying things that aren't conducive with a man who's happy about his situation. He's always on some "I'm so happy to be married b/c everything that unmarried folks do is BS" but...I dunno. His actions don't speak that, IMO.

Misunderstood said...

I'm with you on that. I'm not the kind of person to speak either way on relationships because of the fact that no one's shit is perfect.

Ppl have the tendency to talk shit up like there are no bumps in the road. I'd rather be silent on those matters. Shit, good and bad.