Thursday, May 7, 2009

Decisions, decisions.

Just for the sake of keeping you guys updated with me and all my drama.....

Okay, the hub and I are still pretty much in limbo. It's funny to me how getting "caught up" makes someone want to "do right". Why is that? I don't get it. I was trying to do the right thing and make an attempt to save this thing called marriage. Well, today I'm not so sure about it. I say this because I remember the time leading up to our "supposed" separation. I had been fasting and praying, and fasting and praying. I remember the night before, I asked God what in the world was I supposed to do? I asked, "What's the problem here?". Well, that very next morning, I feel like I got my answer. I feel like I was shown clearly, the kind of person I married and the things he's capable of doing. So it's like I've been given the information, and what I decide to do with it is on me.

I was driving home today thinking, I should let it go. After all, I got my answer. I don't know if this is one of those "neither one of us wants to say goodbye" type deals or not, but either way, it's getting old.....

Decisions, decisions. Ugh.


Saved Girl said...

Everybody wants to right a wrong after they are busted, it simply it what it is. I was just talking to my girlfriend that is going through a similar situation with hearing from God. I told her the last thing you want to do is slap God in the face by not listening to him after he finally gave you your answer. I suggest fasting and praying some more for discernment and peace in your heart to make the hard decision (whichever one you both choose)and stick with it. ....wishing you the best! xoxo.