Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dear Sahel,

I have no words....................

I hope you're happy now. Surely the afterlife is not nearly as bad as paying two car notes and being heartbroken. Hold up though, how the hell you let somebody co-sign for a vehicle you can't afford? And please tell me you weren't banging a millionaire for shits and giggles. For real? All you got were a few trips and a truck note?

You rock.


Kingsmomma said...

Damn Shame.
Naive and Young
It kills me how her ex boyfriend said she was so young and innocent and didn't deserve this.
What exactly is he even referring to?

Saved Girl said...

-blank stare- whenever I think of this chick.

niya holland said...

Wow. She was the example of young, dick-whipped and dumb.